We woke up bright and early – compared to the rest of the trip for today. I told Chris I didn’t care what he said, we were opening and closing the park today. I jumped up to get ready and Chris asked me what the time was. I glanced at the clock and in doing so, remembered that Day Light Savings had either started or finished that night. I don’t remember which one it is, but it meant that it was an hour later then what the clock said... Damn! The park was already open!
So we scrambled in to breakfast grabbed stuff quickly and headed out the door. We were almost at the crossing for the park when Chris realised he’d left something vitally important in the hotel room. I say this with sarcasm, but in reality I think he forgot to take his blood pressure pill, so it was a good idea to head back and get it. So we grabbed that and took off back towards the park again. We didn’t get quite so far this time when Chris realised he’d forgotten his cap. Too Bad!! We continued into the park. Almost at the ticket booths and I realised that I’d forgotten my Mickey Ears that I’d purchased the day before. I wanted to get them embroidered. But this was also Too Bad!! We’d be back in the park again tomorrow.
I wanted to do as many Fantasyland rides today, and early, because we hadn’t really done any yet. So we took on Snow White and the Tea Cups.
They didn’t make Chris feel too good, so we grabbed a drink and I had a pineapple stick and we took a stroll around the back of BTMRR and bought Chris some McDonalds fries. Then we sat and talked to the ducks for a little.
We then rode on the Haunted Mansion – the longest line we’d seen for it so far and it took maybe 20 minutes. And then POC again.
It wasn’t long before it got really busy again. Being the first Sunday of Spring Break in the area. We headed over to DCA, mainly just to hang around. I’d brought my video today, and we planned on riding in the front of Screamin’ and taping it.
We headed over to it, but noticed a large group of people heading back towards us. As we approached Screamin’ we noticed that one of the trains was stopped right up the top of the track, and another one was stopped further along. For some reason Chris was fascinated by this, so he insisted we watch them fix it... I think it has something to do with the fact that he works on air compressors, and they’re what run the ride. So we stood by the railing and watched them get all the people off the ride. We felt sorry for the poor people who were stuck in the train that was right near the platform. So close to being able to get off, but so far away! They had to wait until the train was able to move again to get off. Unlike the people who were stuck up the top, who just had a long walk ahead of them.
I left Chris to watch the inaction, and I went a bought a nummy frozen drink, and a packet of chips. I took a little longer getting back to Chris. The fact that Screamin’ was broken down did hold a bit of interest for me, but not enough that I could sit and watch it doing nothing. So I got back and Chris and I sat and watched Screamin’ and ate chips and drank the nummy frozen drink. Finally they started testing the ride again, and it started getting interesting again.
We decided to head a little closer to see if perhaps it would be worthwhile to line up for yet. We noticed that a line had formed, and it wasn’t very long. So what the hey, we lined up for it. It somehow felt like it had more purpose, then just sitting watching the ride...
Some cast members told us that it could be upwards of an hour before the ride started again, which made the line halve in size! Very handy. Note to self – Next time, befriend a CM, and see if they’ll follow me around announcing this to the people in line for rides that I’d like to go on.
It would have been less then ½ an hour and they started loading the ride. Yay! Not long at all. So we asked to be seated at the front, and had a great time video taping the whole ride. It may sound weird, but my most favourite part of the ride is the start, and I don’t mean where you zoom off into the distance. I mean where the announcement comes over “Get ready screamers! Head back, face forward...yada yada yada”
We then wandered around the park, taking in the sites and people watching.
We found a nice shady spot, as it was getting pretty hot and busy, and just watched everyone walk by.
We spent some time in one of the shops, and I bought a few little whatnots for me. Then we headed back over to DL. I decided that I wanted to go on Jungle Cruise again, and video tape it.
Now keep in mind, it’s been several months since we got back from our trip, so I’m a bit lost here as to what else we did this afternoon. I think we did some shopping... I don’t think we spent too much time back at DL, because we had a PS at Napa Rose tonight. So we must have headed back to the hotel for showers and changing.
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