No photos today, just a heck of a lot of writing...
Once again we woke up today bright and early. Most of our stuff had been packed the previous night, so we finished off packing and checked out of the hotel. They stored our stuff for us for the day as well.
Today wasn’t going to be a full day, because unfortunately we were flying home... It was a late flight, but we wanted to make sure we had enough time for everything.
First we went into DTD to pick up a few more souveneirs, then we caught the monorail into DL.
I’d brought my Mickey ears with me to get embroidered today, and I took them into the embroidery place to get them done. There were a few people lined up to purchase their ears, but there was only the CM at the embroidery counter, so I walked in through the door and up to her, and asked if I could get my name on my hat.
She got the name off me – I wanted Bec, and said “no problem. Where’s your receipt?” And I said “ahh, packed in a suitcase” ...? This is when she proceeded to tell me that they couldn’t embroider the ears without a receipt. I asked “Well how about I buy another set and you use that receipt to embroider the ears?” I had a plain set of ears, but I wasn’t against buying a fancy set too, that way I could have a personalised one, and a pretty one... But no go, they wouldn’t do that either. The CM called the manager over and he just said the same thing. He asked me when I bought them and I told him, 2 days ago at the World of Disney store. He asked where the receipt was and I said, buried in amongst one of 3 suitcases. I’m not sure which, and they’re stored in the hotel... It was at this stage that I was getting very disappointed, and worried, I was starting to think that they were going to take my ears off me because I didn’t have a receipt. So I said “Whatever!” and stormed off. They were not going to take my ears off me! I was pretty pissed that they were treating me like I stole them too! Well, they may not have really thought that, but it was starting to feel that way.
So now I was grumpy... hehe – not the dwarf, but you know what I mean. Luckily, Chris had spotted that there was another embroidery place right next door. So we headed in there to try again. Now in here was a lovely CM. I explained my problem to him, and put on big puppy dog eyes, and I may have even started quivering my lip... But hey, what it comes down to, is that he did it for me! Sure I had to pay to get it done, but I got to choose the font and the colour. I stuck as close to the free one as I could anyway, but I felt good knowing that I had the choice. He told me that it would be ready at 12pm. Great.
So I spent time wandering the shops, and then decided that I hadn’t really gotten my sister anything, and the first thing to spring to mind for her was one of the painted parasols with her name on it. So I went and ordered and paid for one of those. It would be ready by 2pm... Not so great, but manageable...
You see, while our suitcases were already packed, they were most likely extremely over weight. Plus, we’d just bought a heap more stuff. So we knew that we had to head to Target before heading to the airport to buy another suitcase. It had been the plan all holiday, but we’d never made it to Target. So we had to fit that into our time.
We hung around until 12, and I picked up my ears. Then we decided we’d head to Target, get what we needed, and then come back into the park for the other stuff.
We got the same taxi driver to Target as we had the other day. So, we had some more laughs, at unknown subjects. Seriously – couldn’t understand half the things he was saying!
First we headed to the suitcase section of Target and picked out a bag. Then we decided to stroll around and see if there was anything else there that we could want. We ended up picking up some noise cancelling headphones. I was dying for something like this on all of our other flights, so it was good to know that we finally had some.
We grabbed a couple of drinks and headed back out to catch a taxi back to DL. We ended up catching a bus. Stupid taxis... But that was fine.
We got back and by now it was after 2pm. Chris went and collected our bags, while I headed into DL to pick up the parasol. It was pretty sad knowing that this was the last time I’d be here for ages, and I didn’t have time to do anything... So I walked slowly anyway. I really had to because it had gotten so busy!
I picked up the parasol and it was beautiful. I wish I gotten myself one now, and I started the slow journey back to the gates. It wasn’t very nice... But at this stage, I still had no voice whatsoever, I was coughing constantly and I’d given up on my new contact lenses, because I didn’t think they were right. It was time to go home.
We waited for the bus for ages. I could have sworn that the time table said it picked up and dropped off every half hour, but no, apparently it drops you off a DL every half hour, but only picks up every hour...
We finally got to the air port and the check in and everything went fine. It was only once we went past security though, that we found out our flight had been delayed. It wasn’t going to be flying out until 12am... It was only 6pm... So we got some dinner and then wandered through the shops. I wasn’t as impressed as I’d hoped I’d be with the duty free, but it annoyed me more that the only time I was offered help by anyone who worked there was in a small little store that I only looked in because I’d looked in all the others. I probably could have spent a fortune in the cosmetic shops...
We ended up sprawled out on a few chairs waiting for our plane. It was then that I discovered we’d put our headphones into our checked luggage... D’oh!
So we sat, and waited, and waited and sat... We played games on Chris’ phone, and waited and sat... Then an announcement came over. Our flight was further delayed until 1am... Sigh...
I decided I'd go back and buy one of those neck rest thingies for the flight and I wanted a hot chocolate. So I headed back towards the shops. To discover that they’d all closed!! Fair enough, it was 12am. I’m sure the poor people wanted to go home, but I honestly thought, that in large international air ports, with flights coming and going at all times, that these shops would be open 24 hours... I was wrong, and very annoyed...
Once again, back to the chairs... Getting very tired. As I’d found out during the last few weeks. When I got tired my cough would start up, and get really bad. Tonight was no exception. I was sick of cough lollies – or cough drops, whatever you call them - that didn’t work, and I was sick of cough medicine – not that I had any on me, but it hadn't worked all week anyway. But still, I kept on sucking on my cough lollies hoping that they would change their minds, and start doing something, but no they didn’t and my cough just got worse...
After all this though, the thing that really pi**ed me off the most during my entire holiday, was when some bloke – probably doing it out of the kindness of his heart – gave me another pack of cough lollies and said “It’s going to be a long flight with that cough...” I mean this really annoyed me! I politely said thankyou and took them from him, and even popped one in my mouth. But on the inside I was fuming!! Who was this man, to think that I’d done nothing about my cough! That I was just waiting for someone to introduce me to cough lollies, like I’d never seen them before!?! Did he really think that I was ok with my cough!?! Like it wasn’t bothering me, like it was everyone else!?!? I mean I must have gone through 3 bottles of cough medicine, and several packets of cough lollies to stop my cough, to help me get even 1 full hour of sleep during my holiday, and nothing had worked. This JERK decides that I haven’t tried his cough lollies and they make all the difference!!! Jerk...
Sorry, that was a bit of a rant there. But it really got to me...
Anyway, we eventually hear one person, who had been speaking to a flight attendant say to their friend that if the plane wasn’t ready by 1:30am, they were going to put us all in the hotel for the night. They were apparently working on the plane’s engine...
Now I didn’t want to spend another night, sure it would be like extending my holiday for a whole day! But, like I’ve mentioned. I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t stop coughing and I couldn’t talk. I just wanted to go home. However, I would much prefer that they take their time with the air plane engine, then to rush it and for us all to die a horrible death... I must say that I was surprised to see a lot of people lined up at the desk complaining about how long everything was taking... Were they happy with an air plane that could fall from the sky???
Eventually at 1:15am they boarded us onto the plane. I must say I was pleasantly surprised to find that Chris and I had 4 chairs between us! So we managed to sleep most of the flight home. It went super fast!!
We were greeted at Sydney air port by my whole family, which was really nice.
The End!!
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