I really enjoyed the Napa Rose. However, both Chris and I were pretty under the weather, and not very hungry, but we knew that we had to eat something. We ended up ordering the hot rock appetiser... Between us... The waiter tried desperately to convince us that we’d want more then just that, so Chris told him that we’d just arrived in the US that day, and we were jetlagged, very tired and not hungry...
That seemed to satisfy our waiter. We enjoyed the appetiser, and believe it or not, it filled us up... Well, you know, what I mean. It’s all we wanted.
It was lovely, but we’ll have to go back next time, and have a proper meal there.
We strolled through DTD and headed back into DL. We spent a bit of time looking around. I’m not sure what happened here, because I wanted to catch the first showing of Fantasmic! And then watch the fire works afterwards, but somehow, we missed the beginning...? So change of plans, fireworks first.
I finally bought a Dole Whip. Yes it was yum! I was originally going to buy a float, but chickened out at the last minute. :sad2:
We then found a neat little posy to watch the fireworks from. I wanted to video tape them this time. And look who made a proper appearance tonight!!
This really is an amazing show!
So next we headed over to watch Fantasmic! :mickeyjum :maleficen This time we managed to get a position right in front of the stage, but back from the water a little. Everyone was seated waiting for the show to begin. I mentioned to Chris how good it would be if everyone stayed seated throughout the show, because it was a lot easier to see over everyone’s head. I doubted it would happen though, as there was one bloke at the very front of the group who was standing while he waited. I have a feeling that he may have suffered from back problems or something like that, because his family were all seated, and there was enough room on the ground for him to sit, but still he stood. I didn’t mind, because of this thought, but I figured it would mean that everyone would stand eventually.
The show was about to start, and just as I predicted, the crowd all started shifting as to get up. One fella in particular was motioning to all of his friends for them to stand up... But no one did!! The bloke from the front sat down, and although there was shifting to stand up, no one made that first move, so everyone stayed down! It may not seem like much, but this made my night! So I got great footage of the whole show, from my seated position! :banana:
After the show as everyone dispursed, I dragged Chris over to Fantasyland. No we were not going home until they made us! We rode Toad’s Wild Ride, Canal boats, Pinocchio, and I think something else... It wasn’t Alice or Dumbo though, we didn’t end up riding either this trip... Then we finished the night off riding Casey Jr. This ride was more fun then what I thought it would be! I was pretty disappointed with the Canal boats, and had a feeling that Casey Jr. Would be the same, but I really enjoyed it!
After that, it was time to go back to the hotel... Damn. So we walked as slowly as we could back down along main street. I would have liked to have shopped a little, but was a bit sleepy. So back to the hotel, to fall asleep watching the Disney channel.
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